Loading Data From External Websites

22-May-2017 Update Yahoo Finance have disabled their historical data API, which prevents us from automatically downloading their data for your convenience. You can still manually download the data and import it into Incredible Charts. See instructions below.

Chart Yahoo Historical Data

Due to recent changes implemented by Yahoo Finance, their historical data can no longer be automatically downloaded through our software.

You can still manually download & chart Yahoo historical data:

  1. In IE, Chrome or Firefox
    1. Go to Yahoo Finance
    2. Find the symbol you are looking for
      For examples: anz.nz or ^gspc
    3. Open the Historical Data tab
    4. Choose the Time Period
      For example 1Y (1 year) or 5Y (5 years)
    5. Ensure Show: Historical Prices and Frequency: Daily are selected
    6. Apply
    7. Select download data
      Save the file
  2. You will need to know where the downloaded csv file is saved on your computer
    1. Open your recent downloads
      (Ctrl + J in IE, Chrome & Firefox)
    2. Right-click on the file and select open file location or open containing folder
  3. In Incredible Charts, load from disk
    1. Select Securities >> Load By Symbol From Disk
    2. Check that Current Folder shows the folder from 2.2 above
      If not, use the "Select ASCII Data Folder" button to change the Current Folder
    3. Type the file name
      For example ANZ.NZ.csv or ^GSPC.csv
    4. Select Load
      The chart symbol should start with d_
      You can add this symbol to your watchlist

Hint These charts will not be updated automatically.
To update a chart:
  1. Repeat the first step (1.1 to 1.7 above), saving the file to the same location
  2. Then load the chart as above, from your watchlist or use d_symbol (e.g. d_anz.nz)
    It will chart the updated file

Delayed Quotes from Yahoo

  • Click the toolbar button delayed quotes to access delayed quotes; or
  • Use keyboard shortcut Q.