Loading Data From Disk

Import your own data in ASCII format directly from your hard disk.

load data from disk

First set where the files are located:

  1. Open Securities >> Load By Symbol From Disk (CTRL+D).
  2. The Current Folder shows where it will look for all imported data files.
  3. To change folders, use the "Select ASCII Data Folder" button and select the new folder.

Suggestion Create a 'Data' folder on your computer to contain all the files that you will be importing.

Then import a data file in your Current Folder:

  1. Open Securities >> Load By Symbol From Disk (CTRL+D).
  2. Type the file name, for example: myfile.csv
  3. Alternatively in the securities field preface the file name with d_. For example: d_myfile.csv.
load data from disk

Hint To update a chart:
  1. Update the data file on your computer
  2. Reload the chart as above, from your watchlist or use d_symbol (e.g. d_myfile.csv)
    It will import the updated file.

Data Format

Only Yahoo format is recognized at this stage. Download an example file (1.8KB).

Please note:

  • A header row is required;
  • Column order is Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume;
  • Date format is 26-Mar-06 (or 26-March-2006 or 20060326 or 3/26/2006 or 3/26/06).

File Extensions

Ideally, all data files should have the same extension (or no extension). Incredible Charts remembers the extension of the last data file imported (for example .csv) and will use that on any subsequent file with no extension.

The default folder and default extension are remembered between sessions.

Hint To set the file extension to blank, use CTRL+D >> Select ASCII Data Folder and re-set the folder. The default extension will be restored to “ ”.