
Dial-up Connections: Slow Download Speeds

Try the following steps to improve download speeds:

  1. Disable any ad-blocking or content filtering software or configure it to allow Incredible Charts connection to the Internet.
  2. Hide advertising
    Select View >> Advanced Options >> Hide Top Advert and Hide Right Buttons
  3. Remove Price Ratio and/or Price Comparison  
    (they load a second stock or index)
  4. Test at an off-peak time, like early morning 
    (some service providers try to squeeze too many customers through the same bandwidth)
  5. Select Time Period >> Chart 3 Years Data. Data files will only contain the last 3 years data and will load faster than the complete data history of 10 years or more. Chart time periods less than 3 years are not affected.
    • File sizes are 10 to 20 Kb for 3 years data; 20 to 50 Kb for complete data;
      and 50 to 100 Kb (e.g. S&P 500) for indices.
  6. Consider broadband (if available):
    • 10 years of data should take no longer than 3 seconds;
    • 3 years should take no longer than 2 seconds.
  7. If your times are still slow, please send your debug files for analysis.