On the free service only five results are displayed for each stock screen, and scheduled stock screens, premium indicators and premium filters are unavailable.
No advertising or watermark:
Advertising is only displayed on the free version
There is a "Free Data" watermark on the free version
My subscriptions
Where can I find out more about subscribing to Incredible Charts?
I have just subscribed. How do I activate my subscription?
Restart the charts. Your subscription should activate automatically. Contact Support if your subscription failed to activate.
How do I renew my subscription?
Premium membership is continuous and there is no need to complete a new subscription on your anniversary date. Annual subscribers are sent an email reminder one month before renewal.
Use the Browse button on this form to navigate to Local disk (C:) >> Program Files (x86) >> Incredible Charts >> Debug
Select ic_startup (.log) and attach by clicking the Open button
Submit the support request
Restart the charts if the problem does not prevent this.
How do I send a screen shot of a problem with my charts?
Use Print Screen (PrtScn or similar) on your keyboard. You may need to also use the Alt, Shift, Fn or Ctrl key to select this, depending on your keyboard.
Open a program that accepts images, such as Paint or Word. Paint can usually be found on the Start menu under Windows Accessories.
Select Edit then Paste (or use the paste shortcut:Ctrl and V on your keyboard).
Save the file. In Paint save as a PNG or JPG image, in Word as a document or PDF.
Required fields: first name, last name, email address and details of the problem.
Ignore the other fields if you do not know the information (e.g. client id, firewall etc).
Use the Browse or Choose button on the form to locate and open the saved image
Submit the support request.
Windows 10 troubleshooting
I find Incredible Charts slow/erratic on Windows 10 operating system.
Upgrading to Windows 10 may cause Incredible Charts 64-bit compatibility mode to be set incorrectly. Please run Fix Setting to correct this.
Fix Settings should be available under Start >> All Programs >> Incredible Charts:
Restart your computer (recommended)
Select Fix Settings from the start menu (see above)
When completed, open Incredible Charts
Fix_setting(.exe) can also be found in one of these locations:
Local Disk (C:) >> Program Files >> IncredibleCharts, or
Local Disk (C:) >> Program Files (x86) >> IncredibleCharts.
Windows 8 troubleshooting
I find Incredible Charts runs slow/erratically on Windows 8 operating system.
Windows 8 has compatibility issues with earlier versions of Windows. Microsoft has ironed out some of the bugs with recent updates, but there are still problems running many anti-virus/firewall packages. It's safer to stick to Windows Defender/ Windows Firewall.
Search on "windows update" and click the "Windows Update option" offered beneath the search, then install all important updates and recommended updates
Repeat above until no further updates are offered
Reboot your computer and test IncredibleCharts
If you still experience problems, uninstall third party anti-virus and firewall software and ensure the following windows services are running (search on Services to open "local service"):
Windows Defender;
Windows Defender Network Inspection Service
Windows Firewall.
Reboot your computer and test IncredibleCharts
If you still experience issues, uninstall Incredible Charts and reinstall with default settings.
Charts slow or erratic
Incredible Charts takes up to 60 seconds to open.
If you have AVG anti-virus software installed, it may be scanning Incredible Charts each time before allowing it to open. Add Incredible Charts to the AVG Resident Shield >> Directories to Exclude.
I am running Windows Vista and the charts load very slowly.
We suggest that you turn off Superfetch in Windows Vista. See Howtogeek.com.
Just-in-Time debugging starts when I open Incredible Charts. If I click Yes, an error is reported: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: '_gat' is undefined".
To prevent Microsoft Script Debugger from starting:
Open Internet Explorer
Select Tools >> Internet Options
Click the Advanced Tab
Check the option Disable script debugging (Other) - this checkbox is the 9th item in the list in IE7
Exit the dialog by clicking OK
Restart your computer
Stocks from some exchanges load, while other exchanges do not.
Different exchange data comes from different servers. Do a Connection Test. There should be two green squares displayed for each server. If not, contact Support.
If you have CA software installed on your computer, set IncredibleCharts.exe as an exception. The CA Parental Control incorrectly identifies some stock exchanges as Adult Content.
When I click on links in the Help menu I get an error: "The message has failed. Either no browser is configured or another system error has occurred." What causes this?
Your Windows operating system is preventing Incredible Charts from opening your default browser. Set Internet Explorer as your default browser and you will find that the links work. Reset your normal browser as default and see if that clears the problem.
Set Open Web Pages with Internet Explorer under View >> Advanced Options if the links worked with Internet Explorer as the default browser but not with your normal browser.
Chart display or format
How do I plot more than one stock or index on a chart?
My candlesticks switch to the closing price line when I chart longer time periods. How do I stop this?
Select View >> Candle (or OHLC) rather than Candle/Close (or OHLC /Close). The /Close means that only closing price will be displayed if the candles/bars become too crowded.
My candlesticks are too wide. How do I adjust them?
Select Format Charts >> Indicator Width >> Set Maximum Candle Width
Enter 2, 3, 4 or 5
My charts do not display the candle for the current day, week, hour or minute.
Select View >> Incomplete Periods >> Price / Volume >> Display or Shade.
Chart data
What markets do you cover?
NYSE, Nasdaq and NYSE Markets
ASX, including Warrants and Options
TSX and Venture Exchange
World indices
Forex & Precious Metals
Do you have data for New Zealand exchange NZX?
At present we do not cover NZX.
I bought stock xyz a few weeks ago, but your charts now reflect a different price. Why?
Data histories are adjusted for the dilution effect of corporate actions, such as share splits, to create a continuous price chart and remove false indicator signals.
Chart data is not updating.
Free data is delayed by 30-days.
Check your subscription Status under Help >> About >> Membership Details on the chart menu.
If you have a subscription and the email address shown is not the one used for your subscription, select Help >> Logout to return to the login screen.
If you have a subscription and your email address is correct but the Status shown is not Activated Subscription, please Contact Support to resolve any subscription issues.
If you do not have a subscription, you can subscribe here.
Chart data for the current week,day, hour, minute is not displayed.
Incomplete periods, where the day or hour is not yet completed, can be displayed or hidden according to your preference. Select View >> Incomplete Periods >> Price/Volume >> Shade, Display or Hide.
How can I hide trading outside of normal trading hours?
We are only licensed to display data, not to distribute it.
How do I create an indicator?
Example - To create a 100-day Exponential Moving Average:
Select Indicators on the chart menu
Select Moving Averages in the left column of the indicator panel
In the center pane, select Daily, Exponential, and enter 100 as the new period
Save [] and Close [X] the panel.
How do I remove an indicator?
Select Indicators on the chart menu
Select the indicator in the right column of the indicator panel
Delete the indicator by clicking the [] button
Close [X] the panel
Why do I have to set up indicators on Daily, Hourly and Minute charts separately?
There are 3 data-sets: Days, Hours and Minutes. All other chart intervals are derived from these data-sets:
Days >> Weekly to Annual
Hours >> 2 to 6 Hours
Minutes >> 2 to 30 Minutes
Indicators created for one data-set (e.g. Hours) will not display when you select a Chart Interval derived from another data-set (e.g. 15 Minutes). They will, however, display across Chart Intervals derived from the same data-set (e.g. 2 to 6 Hours) unless they are on the main chart.
For example, a moving average set on a 1 Hour chart will not display on the 2 Hour chart, but the volume set on one will display on the other. Neither indicator would display on a 15 Minute chart.
This requires you to set up 3 sets of indicators, but does allow you the flexibility of viewing the same indicator (e.g. 24-Hour Twiggs® Momentum) across different Chart Intervals (e.g. 1 to 6 Hours).
Indicator values for the current week, day, hour or minute are not displayed.
Where the period is incomplete, indicator values (other than volume) are by default hidden because they can be misleading. To show these values, select View >> Incomplete Periods >> Other Indicators >> Display.
Why does Price Comparison (or Price Ratio/Price Differential) only display on one stock instead of all stocks?
Select Indicators on the chart menu
Select Price Comparison in the right column of the indicator panel
Change the setting from Security to Project in the center pane
Save the new settings by clicking the [>>] button
Close [X] the panel
Trendlines & Captions
My trendlines or captions have disappeared.
Trendlines are stored in a .ini project file on your computer. Unless the file has been deleted, they will be available.
Right-click on the Trendline or Caption icons on the toolbar. A red check icon should display. If not, select Show Trendlines.
If you have amended the color scheme you may have white captions against a white background. Select Format Charts >> Colors.
Have you switched from Normal to Log view? Trendlines are unique to the normal/log chart that you draw them on.
Have you switched to Weekly/Monthly view? Trendlines are unique to the Daily/Weekly/Monthly chart that you draw them on.
Have you switched projects? Trendlines are unique to each project file.
Have you deleted the trendlines by mistake? (If you right-click on a chart, there is an option to delete all trendlines/captions). Try the File >> Undo My Changes command.
Have you recently re-installed Incredible Charts? You may have installed to a new folder. If there are two folders, transfer all .ini and .viz files to the new folder using the File >> Import Files command.
Projects, Watchlists & Backup
What is a project and a watchlist?
Projects contain a set of indicators, trendlines, captions and default settings.
Watchlists are used for saving, listing and scrolling through a number of securities.
They are stored on your hard-drive as .ini and .viz files. It is recommended to backup regularly.
How do I schedule backup of my watchlists & projects?
Select File >> Backup Settings
Choose How Often ? you want to backup (weekly is recommended, but if you make frequent changes you may prefer daily)
Choose how many backups to keep (the oldest will be deleted when a new backup is done)
Use the Select Backup Destination button to choose where to save the backup to (for example a Dropbox folder or a USB that you regularly attach to your computer)
Click Save Settings when done
How do I disable scheduled backup?
Select File >> Backup Settings
Choose How Often ? >> Never ( Not Recommended )
Click Save Settings
How do I manually backup my projects and watchlists?
Export your project (.ini) & watchlist (.viz) files to a USB, CD or external disk
To import on the files on your new computer, use File >> Import Files in Incredible Charts.
Can I backup without opening Incredible Charts?
Make a backup copy of your User Files folder located in Local Disk (C:) >> Program Files (x86) >> Incredible Charts >> User Files.
I keep getting a message "Insufficient stocks in Watchlist". How do I turn this off?
If you are using a notebook, your hand may brush across the mousepad activating the watchlist scrolling function. In the toolbar, change Scroll Watchlist or Scroll Stock Screen to Scroll Disabled.
Stock Screener
My stock screener will not work. How do I reset it?
Click the Refresh button on the toolbar.
Click Reset and then Submit. Does that return a list of stocks?
If not, check that Internet Explorer is working. Incredible Charts works best with IE7 or later.
My stock screens only return 5 results, not all filters are available or scheduled screens are unavailable.
Please check your subscription status under Help >> About.
On the free service only five results are displayed for each stock screen, and scheduled stock screens, premium indicators and premium filters are unavailable.
Free Trial and Premium / Budget subscribers will have access to the full stock screens. Please Contact Support if you believe your status is incorrect.
Unusual text/code is displayed at the top of my stock screen page.
Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools>>Internet Options
Go to Browsing history on the General tab and click the Delete button
Ensure that the following boxes are checked:
Preserve Favorites website data
Temporary Internet files
Click the Delete button
Go to Browsing history on the General tab and click the Settings button
Select Every time I visit the web page
Click OK (twice) to exit.
I can create and save stock screens, but when I try to run a screen I get the dialog coming up saying " Please Wait... Screen results being collated" and it just hangs.
In Internet Explorer, select Tools >> Internet Options.
Select the Privacy tab and click on the Advanced button.
Ensure that boxes for Override automatic cookie handling and Always allow session cookies are checked.
First-party cookies should be set to Accept; Third-party cookies may be set to either Accept or Prompt (for increased security).
I get an error message each time I click on the Stock Screener: "Access Violation at address 3DC29F9C in module mshtml.dll"
Please update your computer using Windows Update. Pay particular attention to updating Internet Explorer as 'mshtml.dll' is part of Internet Explorer.
My Saved Screens and Shared Screens tabs are blank.
Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools>>Internet Options>>Security
Select the Trusted Sites tab and click the Sites button
Enter *.incrediblecharts.com
Clear the check box for Require server verification (https) for all sites in this zone
Click the Add button
Click OK to return to the Security tab
Click the Default Level button (for Trusted Sites)
Click OK.
When I attempt to save a stock screen I receive an error message along the lines of "There was an error loading....screen......."
In Internet Explorer, select Tools >> Internet Options.
Select the Privacy tab and click on the Advanced button.
Ensure that boxes for Override automatic cookie handling and Always allow session cookies are checked.
First-party cookies should be set to Accept; Third-party cookies may be set to either Accept or Prompt (for increased security).
I have re-installed Incredible Charts but have lost my saved stock screens. How do I recover them?
Do not create a new registration. You will lose your screens.
Please use your original login details (email address and password) to update your Profile. If you have trouble logging in, or have forgotten your password, select "Login problems" on the Profile login page. If you require further assistance, contact support.
Mac, Linux, Android or iPad users
Will Incredible Charts run on a Mac OSX?
Incredible Charts is no longer supported on Mac using Parallels.
Will Incredible Charts run on a Linux operating system?
Incredible Charts is no longer supported on Linux using Wine.
Will Incredible Charts run on an iPad?
Incredible Charts will not run on an iPad.
Will Incredible Charts run on an Android operating system?
Incredible Charts will not run on an Android operating system.
Email charts
How can I email charts?
Select File >> Email Chart. This opens a new email in your email software (if it is compatible) and inserts an image of the chart. You can then add write and send your email as usual.
If your email software is not compatible, or if you are using a web-based email service:
File >> Save Chart As Image (shortcut key F11)
Open an email
Insert or attach the image file.
Can I set the image size?
Set the image size at File >> Set Image Size.
How can I email charts with Mozilla Thunderbird, Hotmail or Gmail?
Email charts should work with Windows Mail or Outlook (desktop).
To send with other email services or software:
Save the chart (shortcut key F11)
Open an email
Insert or attach the image file.
How can I email charts with MS Outlook?
Select View >> Advanced Options >> Send Email With Outlook
When I email charts I get an error message "Class not registered".
Select View >> Advanced Options on the chart menu
Ensure that Send Email with Outlook is not checked
When I select Email Charts the address bar in Outlook Express is blank.
This may be due to a faulty Microsoft security update KB911567 20-Apr-06. There is a simple fix at Inside Outlook Express.
How do I change my email address or my newsletter selection?
Click on Newsletter Profile in the newsletter header
Amend your email address (if required)
Select the check boxes next to the newsletters you want to receive
Clear the boxes next to the newsletters you want do not to receive
Confirm you have read our Privacy Policy and want to receive the newsletters.
Click the Update button to save the changes.
How do I unsubscribe from the Trading Diary mailing list?
Select Unsubscribe in the newsletter footer. Alternatively:
Click Newsletter Profile in the newsletter header
Select Unsubscribe (next to the Update button).
I am no longer receiving newsletter emails.
If you have a spam filter, please add no_reply@incrediblecharts.com and no_reply@email.incrediblecharts.com to your whitelist.