Incredible Charts Premium Stock Charts & Trading Tools

Improve your trading performance with insights from proprietary indicators and powerful stock screens.

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Browser Stock Charts Example
SPOT with ATR Trailing Stops and TMO

Why Incredible Charts?

Features include:

  • ASX, NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC Markets, LSE and TSX stock exchange data
  • Forex & precious metals
  • Premium data, adjusted for corporate actions that distort indicator signals.
  • More than 100 technical indicators, including:
    • Proprietary Twiggs® Money Flow, Trend Index and Twiggs® Momentum
    • Stop-loss systems: ATR Trailing Stops, Parabolic SAR, Chandelier Exits, Safezone and Volatility Stops
  • Auto-fit trendlines and channels
  • Powerful stock screens with a wide array of technical filters

Classic Stock Charts - Download for Windows

Incredible Charts classic desktop charting package:

  • Compatible with Windows Operating Systems
  • Download and install on your PC
Classic Stock Charts Example

Technical Education

Trading Diary

Colin Twiggs and his team provide free monthly updates on financial markets and the economy.
Join our Trading Diary newsletter, with more than 120,000 followers, for:

  • Free education
  • Investment outlook; and
  • Technical updates.

About: Colin Twiggs

Colin Twiggs is a former investment banker with over 30 years of experience in financial markets. He co-founded Incredible Charts and writes the popular Trading Diary and Patient Investor newsletters, focusing on the global market outlook and key macro trends.


Technical indicators highlight a particular aspect of price or volume behavior on a stock chart to provide valuable insights and help with analysis.

Newcomers often attach great significance to their favorite indicators, but none are infallible.

The key is to keep it simple and select indicators that complement each other and are suited to current market conditions.

Stock Charts - Compare Relative Stock Performance on a Percentage Scale

Popular Indicators

Types of Indicators